About Merry Jayne

Meet Jayne Christie, the vaporiser guru behind Merry Jayne – your go-to source for all things leafy and green-related.

From her beachy beginnings in Durban to embracing herbal crusades, Jayne’s journey is a wild adventure spanning the globe but always sprinkled with a dab of humour.

A love of travel led her and her wife, Juanita, to Israel, where volunteering at a therapeutic horse-riding school fueled her desire to make the world a better place – one neigh at a time.

London brought out Jayne’s culinary skills, and Hogsback in the Eastern Cape saw her fascination with health blossom like a forgotten potato in the pantry.

Picture it, Jersey, 2020, where Jayne bravely ventured into the world of vaporisers and cannabidiol-related products with The Canna Cabana, advocating for natural healing without blowing smoke.

Merry Jayne emerged as Jayne’s brainchild, a quirky platform promoting holistic health and well-being. Imagine a comedy show with a side of enlightenment – that’s Merry Jayne.

With over 26 years as an herbal advocate, Jayne co-founded JMCPA and joined the ECPJ movement, shouting from rooftops to amplify patient voices. Her journey continued as she took on the role of Research Director for the I AM Billy Campaign, amplifying the cause and eventually serving as a Trustee.

From Durban’s sandy shores to Jersey’s tranquil beaches, Jayne’s journey is a rollercoaster of growth, transformation, and belly laughs.

As the ringmaster of Merry Jayne, Jayne brings her extensive hospitality experience to the table, ensuring a focus on customer service that will have you grinning like a cat who just discovered the secret to a perfect nap.

Cheers to Jayne and her herbal high jinks! Cheers Jayne!